


232 Market Street Flowood, MS 39232

Location Info

232 Market Street Flowood, MS 39232
Phone Number
(769) 312-1074
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Attorney Headshot

Matthew Raphael

Estate Planning Attorney

Interview with

Matthew Raphael

Why is estate planning valuable? 

Estate planning is something that everybody needs to have done, regardless of how much stuff they have. A lot of people think they don't have much, but they'd be surprised. It's something that everybody is going to need, and it helps out everyone and their families.

Why is Oath Law right for clients? 

We specialize in estate planning—it's all we do, 100%. It's important to work with people who know what they're doing. Also, it's crucial that the firm has similar values to the clients. Our values align with most folks down here. We ensure affordability and genuinely look out for our clients. We don't nickel and dime them by billing all the time. We do a lot of things for free to help our clients.

Story frequently told at workshops: 

I often tell a story about a client whose husband had a stroke in his sleep. The next morning, she realized something was off, and he was paralyzed on the right side of his body. He couldn't walk, talk, or eat. She tried to access his accounts to pay for the house and hospital bills but couldn't because he didn't have a power of attorney set up for her. She had to go through a costly and lengthy court process to get guardianship. Oath Law helped her secure the guardianship and protected her assets from the husband's brother. This story emphasizes the importance of having a durable power of attorney.

State-specific documents: 

As far as I know, Mississippi doesn't require any unique documents that other states don't also require. I haven't drafted anything specific to our state.

Longest possible probate in the state: 

Probate cases can really drag on for years. I know of a few that have lasted for three years or more.

Most common question at workshops: 

Clients often want to ensure that whatever plan they choose will make things easier for their family after they pass. They don't want their family to have to jump through a lot of hoops and do a lot of legwork. I reassure them that all our plans are designed to help the family, ensuring everything is set up and in order.

Favorite communities visited: 

I enjoy visiting Hattiesburg, Ocean Springs, and Vicksburg. Hattiesburg and Ocean Springs are places I look forward to visiting, and Vicksburg is another favorite for its unique characteristics and the people I meet there.

Impactful client story: 

The story of the client whose husband had a stroke is the most impactful. It highlights how quickly life can change and the importance of having affairs in order to avoid complications and protect family interests. This resonates with many people, emphasizing the need for proper estate planning.




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Shunika Stallworth

Client Service Coordinator