


3499 Blazer Parkway, Suite 330, Lexington, KY 40509

Location Info

3499 Blazer Parkway, Suite 330, Lexington, KY 40509
Phone Number
(859) 788-3577
Email Address
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Attorney Headshot

Jacob Sherman

Estate Planning Attorney

Interview with

Jacob Sherman

Clients prioritize ease and seek guidance on how to prepare their families for the future. They appreciate having a knowledgeable professional who can answer their questions clearly.

What’s unique about your state and what do you think matters?

In Kentucky, a significant legal issue involves the ineffective execution of trusts. For instance, I assisted a widow who struggled to transfer her late husband’s car to her niece because the vehicle was solely in her husband's name. Despite her best efforts, the only solution was to undergo the probate process, which proved challenging given her physical condition.

What do you like best about your community/clients in your area?

Our community values family and forward planning, which reduces future complications and disputes.

What do clients in your community ask the most questions about?

Residents frequently inquire about tax minimization, probate avoidance, and maintaining privacy in their financial and legal affairs.




Attorney Headshot

Jill Schmitt

Financial Planning Coordinator