


1214 East 33rd Street, Tulsa, OK 74105

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1214 East 33rd Street, Tulsa, OK 74105
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(918) 200-9094
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Katherine Parmer

Estate Planning Attorney

Interview with

Katherine Parmer

What company value propositions do you feel resonate with your clients most?

How we care for our clients.  How we are there for our clients' families.  How we provide financial and estate planning. How widespread we are in terms of states. How we only practice one type of law.

What’s unique about estate planning in Oklahoma and what do you think matters?

No estate or inheritance tax. I would describe Oklahoma as very flexible when it comes to the laws.  Probate starts for estates valued at $50,000 or more. The majority of my clients are not multi-millionaires but rather hard working blue collar workers, and with Oklahoma being a simple state, it makes it easier to explain to my clients.

What do you like best about the clients in your area?

As a Tulsa, Oklahoma Attorney, a lot of my clients remind me of my family or people from my hometown.  They have worked hard, understand the value of a dollar, and are all around nice people, with good midwest and southern energy. My clients also appreciate how thorough our materials and explanations are.

What do clients in your community ask the most questions about? What do people in Tulsa care about?

My clients mainly ask questions about probate, taxes, and property. People in my city specifically care about protecting their assets from the government and nursing homes and providing protection and a plan for their loved ones.

Why is Oath right for your clients?

Oath is right for my clients because we can provide them with peace of mind — not only for them, but for their families too.

What story do you tell at your workshops?

I talk about my background — how my dad is a financial advisor, and my mom used to practice estate planning for a big firm. My mom would come home exhausted seeing people pay thousands in billable hours on a probate. I like to find ways to help families avoid probate, guardianships, and make it easy for them. I specifically use the term “preventative planning.”

What are the state specific documents that you prepare for clients, and why?

The main state specific document is the Advance Directive or an Oklahoma Will. The Advance Directive is for important medical decisions.

What do you estimate the longest possible probate is in your state?

I have a client whose Mom’s probate took 3 years. It can take some people years, but also some people only months.

How much do you think the most expensive probate might cost in your state?

It could potentially get up to at least $15,000 if you are including attorney fees.

What do clients ask most at your workshops and how do you answer it?

My clients ask mostly about whether they need a will or a trust. I explain to them that here in Oklahoma, we are a probate state, so if you have a will, it will go through a probate. If you want to avoid a probate, a trust is the way to go.

What are your three favorite communities that you visit on your workshop schedule?

Glenpool, Stillwater, Miami (Oklahoma)

What’s the most impactful story you’ve had from one of your clients?

I had a client who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at 50. She started taking medicine to slow it down, but we knew we needed to have nursing home protection in place, which takes 5 years.

She was so grateful and so was her husband, and it reminded me of why I do what I do. To be diagnosed with an awful disease where you will lose your memory, the last thing she wanted was to be a financial burden on her kids should she go into a nursing home.




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Constance Campbell

Client Service Coordinator

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Dilhia Johnson

Client Service Coordinator

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Mai Yang

Client Service Coordinator

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Maleah Patterson

Title Specialist

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Briana Bridenstine

Drafting & Funding Team Lead

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Sala Harrison

Drafting & Funding Specialist

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Dara Bailey

Financial Controller

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Cole Perryman

Director of Communications